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- GPTZero Raises $3.5M to Safeguard Online Content: Unmasking AI Hallucinations and Biases
GPTZero Raises $3.5M to Safeguard Online Content: Unmasking AI Hallucinations and Biases
GPTZero's Origin Chrome extension detects AI-generated content and aims to bolster the value of human journalism in the age of artificial intelligence
WHO GPTZero targets journalists, media organizations, policymakers, and concerned citizens who seek to combat misinformation and preserve the authenticity of human-generated content.
WHAT GPTZero's Origin allows users to assess the generation source of information, fact-check AI-generated content, verify citations, and uncover instances of AI-generated content on the internet.
WHY With the rise of large language models and concerns about their impact, GPTZero aims to lead a revolution in media literacy by safeguarding against AI tendencies to spread false information and perpetuate biases.
HOW IT WORKS GPTZero's Origin Chrome extension provides users with tools to detect AI-generated content, verify its authenticity, and contribute to building a comprehensive 'humanprint' for information.
AVAILABILITY GPTZero's Origin is currently available for use.
CUSTOMER TRACTION To date, GPTZero has amassed more than 1.2 million users on the platform. GPTZero has already formed partnerships with over 40 ed-tech organizations to improve AI detection accuracies in educational data.
FUNDING GPTZero recently raised $3.5 million from Uncork Capital, Neo, and notable investors such as Jack Altman (CEO of Lattice) and Emad Mostaque (CEO of Stability AI). The startup has also received investments from prominent newsroom executives, including Mark Thompson (former CEO of the NYT) and Tom Glocer (former CEO of Reuters).
KEY TAKEAWAY GPTZero's Origin empowers users to combat AI-generated misinformation, reinforcing the value of human journalism in today's AI-driven landscape.
This is no longer about just detecting the AI. It's about preserving what's human.